Musician Jokes

Behold my collection of jokes about musicians.

Some of them strike a chord [groan].

I didn’t write any of them, but I publish them here for your entertainment and reading pleasure.

Although some of the jokes may contain a grain of truth derived from an astute observation, others are just childish digs at groups of people whose only common trait is that they have been seen (and heard)  playing a particular musical instrument.

Some of the jokes are cruel, some are tasteless, and some aren’t funny to everyone; some will make you laugh out loud.

Remember that they are just jokes!

Some of them contain the same punchline as a joke in a different section.

For example, those jokes about drool.

If you feel that your group has been unfairly targeted by a particular “joke,” the best approach is to employ the attitude that New Zealanders use when Australians make jokes about New Zealanders having inappropriate relationships with sheep.

What New Zealanders do is maintain standing jokes in their country about Australians and sheep.

Anyway, these are my favorites:

Music Business Jokes

The reason I like this category so much is because having worked briefly as a musician, I have been subjected to many of the expectations and disappointments notated by these witty jibes.

It’s fun to know that someone else has been through similar experiences.


Andrew Scott